
Monday, June 29, 2015

Summer Reading

While I love to read, during the school year I find myself reading only bits and pieces of various titles in order to use them in staff development, while working with teachers, or as required reading for SLT meetings, etc. I always keep a running list of books that I want to read on my Amazon wishlist, and I like to use the summer months, and other special breaks, to knock a few off of my list.

This summer I decided that I would set a goal to read at least one book for fun, one professional title, one book on parenting, and one on marriage.  I know four books doesn't sound like a lot, but with 3 kiddos and a packed summer schedule, I wanted something attainable.

Here are the books on my list:

Personal:  It Was Me All Along by Andie Mitchell

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Professional:  Unshakeable by Angela Watson- I am actually joining an online book study beginning July 6th to read and discuss this book with other educators.  You can find out more information on Angela's site: 

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I love all of Regie Routman's books and this book is no exception.  We used this book in our SC Read 2  Succeed Coaches' Training this year, but I really want to reread it and dig in a little deeper.

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Parenting:  The 5 Love Languages of Children- Gary Chapman, PhD

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Marriage:  The Antelope in the Living Room- Melanie Shankle

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So, there you have it.  I will keep you updated on my progress as the summer continues.  Let me know of any books that are reading, or have read, that I need to add to my list.

In the words of one of my educational heroes, Debbie Miller, "Happy Reading!"

1 comment:

  1. Like you, I have found it nearly impossible to keep up with my own reading with three kiddos (and two). This summer I am making it a top priority to do more of my own reading and we are making weekly trips to the library. My goal is to read one a week so I am trying to finish this week's read. It is Fly Away by Kristin Hannah. I want to read some more of her books. She touches on some life issues close to my heart like grieving the loss of loved ones. Happy reading! Oh and I am seriously thinking of continuing to home preschool Brody this year. I am a little scared I won't be able to teach him the skills he needs for kindergarten so I need much encouragement. He was in a church preschool from one to three and a half so I am afraid he won't get the socialization he needs. He has been doing well with learning so far.
